
Transforming Energy Practices: Our Success Stories

At Maliwan Energy Consulting, we are proud of the impactful projects we have executed for our clients. Through our expertise in energy management, sustainability, and renewable energy, we have helped organizations across various industries optimize their energy practices, reduce costs, and achieve their sustainability goals. Explore some of our successful projects below and come back to review as we add more projects:

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger Infrastructure Implementation

Analyzing, Planning, Implementing, and Incentivizing of a Commercial EV Charger bank.

Collaborating closely with a prominent corporate facility, Maliwan Energy Consulting successfully engineered and executed a comprehensive electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure initiative. Our expert team commenced the project by conducting meticulous site assessments, strategically identifying prime locations for charging stations. In addition, we adeptly navigated the complex landscape of local incentive rebates, deftly applying on behalf of the client to maximize cost savings. Our seamless coordination with utility providers ensured a streamlined implementation process.

Drawing upon our profound industry knowledge, we meticulously developed comprehensive budgets, meticulously accounting for all facets of the project. Through meticulous planning and precise execution, we facilitated the seamless installation of cutting-edge EV charging stations, precisely tailored to meet the specific requirements of the facility.

This transformative undertaking not only bolstered the client’s unwavering commitment to sustainability but also played a pivotal role in fostering the widespread adoption of electric vehicles among employees and visitors alike. By positioning the facility as a beacon of EV-friendliness, our project has solidified its status as a forward-thinking, environmentally conscious destination.

Amazon Distribution Facilities Energy Monitoring

Energy Monitoring for Savings and Load Reduction

Our team initiated the project by conducting a comprehensive assessment of the facility’s energy consumption patterns. We installed advanced energy monitoring systems that provided real-time insights into equipment performance and energy usage across the facility. With accurate data in hand, we delved into the analysis phase to identify areas where energy efficiency could be improved. 

By leveraging the insights gained from our energy monitoring we utilized the data to inform future installations and right-size the electrical infrastructure needed for new equipment at this and other facilities. Our in-depth understanding of energy consumption patterns and equipment performance enables us to accurately assess the electrical requirements for new installations or expansions. By avoiding over-sizing of electrical infrastructure, we helped our client optimize their investment and eliminate over 1 million dollars in unnecessary expenses, resulting in significant long-term cost savings.

Adidas Retail Outlet Energy Consumption Reduction

Load Analysis and LED Lighting Upgrade for Energy Consumption Reduction

We were asked to conduct a comprehensive load analysis and implement a facility-wide LED lighting upgrade. The load analysis and optimization, coupled with the LED lighting upgrade, led to a substantial reduction. This translated into tangible cost savings on utility bills and a reduced environmental impact. The LED lighting upgrade significantly improved lighting quality, creating a brighter, more comfortable, and visually appealing environment for customers, employees, and visitors. Reduced energy consumption and lower maintenance requirements resulted in decreased operational expenses, positively impacting their bottom line.

As part of our solution, we conducted a detailed ROI analysis to demonstrate the financial benefits of the LED lighting upgrade. This analysis helped solidify the business case for the LED lighting upgrade and provided the client with confidence in the long-term cost savings achieved.

Manufacturing Facility Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade

Analysis, Site Planning, Utility Management, Infrastructure Implementation

We conducted a thorough analysis of the existing systems, evaluated power distribution needs, assessed load requirements, and identified areas for improvement for a local manufacturing company that was looking to expand. With a comprehensive understanding of the facility’s electrical landscape, we devised a strategic plan to optimize the infrastructure while considering expansion and operational demands. Our team developed a comprehensive site plan, carefully considering factors such as equipment layout, electrical distribution paths, safety protocols, and code compliance. We liaised with utility providers to manage power supply requirements, assess transformer capacity, and ensure seamless integration of the facility’s electrical infrastructure upgrade with the local grid. With a focus on cost-effectiveness, we developed a detailed budget that encompassed all aspects of the infrastructure upgrade project. Leveraging our expertise in electrical project management, we seamlessly executed the infrastructure upgrade while optimizing costs without compromising on quality.

Net Zero/Renewable Energy Investment Analysis for an Industrial Manufacturer

Electrical Usage Analysis and Renewable Energy Investment Analysis for a Net Zero Operations of a Label Manufacturing Plant.

Maliwan Energy Consulting performed a comprehensive evaluation of energy usage and designed a cutting-edge renewable energy integration project for an industrial manufacturing plant. Our team conducted a meticulous assessment of the site’s solar potential, scrutinized available incentives and financing options, developed a detailed budget, and presented a comprehensive analysis of the return on investment. This forward-thinking initiative not only reduced the facility’s dependence on traditional power sources but also delivered significant long-term cost savings while successfully aligning with the client’s corporate objective of achieving a net-zero carbon footprint.

These projects exemplify our expertise in transforming energy practices and driving sustainability across diverse sectors. Each success story highlights our ability to assess, strategize, and implement tailored solutions that deliver tangible results.

At Maliwan Energy Consulting, we are committed to helping organizations unlock their energy-saving potential and achieve their sustainability objectives. Contact us today to explore how our expertise can benefit your organization.


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